and Susan live the Alaska Lifestyle. Their home is a log cabin.
They garden, hunt, fish, gather berries, and enjoy an outdoor-based
With wilderness on every side of us and wild animals
wandering throughout the area, all we have to do is get out into
the hills to enjoy Alaska.
Our family has a favorite lake where we camp and fish
for grayling. Each year we watch bald eagles raise their young
in a nest near the lake as mated swans, loons, otter, and beaver
go about their natural activities.
In the fall we pick blueberries, cranberries and raspberries.
We also harvest rose hips and currants for canning. When moose
season arrives we spend up to 20 days in our high mountain camp
spotting grizzlies, black bears, and dall
sheep while still searching for moose. With one moose three families
will have their supply of red meat for the coming year. Bulls
typically have antlers in excess of 50 inches in width.
During the winter neighbors socialize, play cards, board games
and eat lots of wild natural foods. Music and neighborhood jams
are frequent events, as well as singing in our local Chapel of
the North Church. Jim and Ginny Mericle and Floyd and Jeanne Seigler
make up the core of the local old time music scene in Tok. They
are dear friends and musical treasures.
Life in Tok moves at Alaska time which is slow. This allows for
time and space for reading and getting together with neighbors
and friends. Money and fame are temptations Tok is free of. Those
who live here are motivated by the natural wonders and the rewards
that come with an honest and simple lifestyle. It is our home
and we love it!